The Day Kanye Avoided Me

  I thought today was going to be a terrible day, and at first – it was lol. Tuesday’s are my longest days of the week: 8:30 a.m. _ wake-up and get ready 9:30 a.m. _ leave my apartment to catch the bus or train to NBC 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. _ NBC 3...

“You look familiar…”

“Aren’t you some inspiring journalist? Jen, right?” Last weekend I attended the Pharrell meet and greet. As the event went on, someone came up to me and said, “you look familiar.. aren’t you some inspiring journalist? Jen, right?”...

Take The Lovey-Dovey Off Facebook

Last night I was having yet another conversation with one of my good friends, Timmy Apuli – a.k.a. Tim Koda. We were talking about facebook, and how everyone takes it so seriously and then it moved onto what is annoying about it. You know what that is? Couples....

The Rock ‘N Roll McDonalds

May 31, 2010 Last week I was with a couple friends talking about McDonald’s. I added some application on my phone for my blogs, but apparently it didn’t post up and now I have to re-write it. Whether it’s chicken nuggets, big mac’s or a...

Goodbye B96, Hello NBC

I recently started up summer school and my schedule has been getting super hectic. I am really aiming for this website to grow in stats and I am trying my hardest to update it when I can. Since I have a little bit of free time during class, I thought I should talk...