“Aren’t you some inspiring journalist? Jen, right?”
Last weekend I attended the Pharrell meet and greet. As the event went on, someone came up to me and said, “you look familiar.. aren’t you some inspiring journalist? Jen, right?” which was a big eye-opener.
Lately I have been very busy with my internship, summer school, along with other commitments such as GoWhereHipHop, Chicago Hip-Hop Connects and Tim Koda. It’s been keeping me from time to myself; however, I am not complaining because I love the things I have committed to. I’m only upset with myself because I forgot to keep what brought me to those connections alive, which is my blog.
The guy who said the above quote’s name is Eric, and Eric, if you do read this – I just want to say thank you for opening my eyes and reminding me of who I am. I knew I had the inspirational voice in me, but I have lacked to express that. There have been so many ideas in my head, and things I have been meaning to write down, it’s just the lack of time that I have makes that a conflict. I want to keep inspiring people, and I am happy that I was reminded that I do just that. I can’t let my readers down.
To keep myself accountable, I am going to give my readers a little preview of the inspirational blogs I will be writing about this month. They focus on choices, how to deal with haters and keeping the faith.
Thank you to everyone who continually checks back on the site for updates, and above all for the support.
“Make it happen.”
– Jen DeLeon