by Carmen Papetti | Mar 12, 2018 | Bottled Up, Inspirational
I am very particular about who I allow into my home and even letting people know where I live just because I don’t want any type of energy brought into there. I can count on my hands how many people have been in my current (and previous) place. That is your...
by Carmen Papetti | Jan 23, 2018 | Bottled Up, Miscellaneous
I dated a person who didn’t let women cook for him because of food voodoo. Yes, this in unfortunately a real thing and here’s what you need to know about it. I also do a Q&A with those who tuned in via Instagram Live and talk living in and moving to...
by jendeleon | Jan 8, 2018 | Bottled Up, Miscellaneous
Stop waiting on other people to get things done and teach yourself! Podcast is available on iTunes, SoundCloud and coming soon to GooglePlay!
by jendeleon | Jan 2, 2018 | Bottled Up, Miscellaneous
People have always asked me to start a podcast, but I never did because I just love being on-camera and writing so much, I didn’t want to have too many types of content and didn’t think I’d have enough for all these platforms. But, I always have something to talk...