Never Be Ashamed of Your Story

Never be ashamed of who you are, or what you have been through – God allowed those things to happen because you were strong enough to handle it, and you are going to be that inspiration, light, hope and reassurance to someone that is going through what you...

Your Perfect Guy/Girl Doesn’t Exist!

Get rid of your list! We all have a mental list of everything we want in the person we end up with. Mine included someone who had faith and relationship with God, a family-man, goal-oriented, he’s my friend first, doesn’t smoke cigarettes, is a homebody...

Missed Opportunities

You didn’t really miss them. I’m kicking off 2015 with a video about opportunities you thought you missed. The story used will inspire you to believe that what’s for you, is for you – and there is nothing or no one that can stop you from...

Rejection is a Blessing

Earlier this year, BET reached out about me hosting on 106 & Park. I made it passed the first few rounds and never heard back. For those who do know, I’ve always wanted to be on TV, so of course you would think I was disappointed that I didn’t get it,...