Coming Into Focus – TD Jakes
- Are you fighting with people you don’t need to be arguing with?
- When you know you’re on a trajectory to go up, you have to move steadily
- Don’t want to go back through what I have already been through
- You stopped striving…. There comes a point where you say I’ve already been there
- Do you have the focus to receive it?
- Everything is there, but it’s out of focus
- Bringing things into order is a sign of maturity
- You have to get things into refocus
- What used to work is now out of focus
- My response to stress = Order and structure
- You might be rejecting something God wants to send in your life
- You cannot have a new blessing and an old order
- Are you organized for what you prayed for?
- Anything something new comes into your life you have to restructure
- You have to structure for where you’re going, not for where you’ve been
- Anytime you take new blessings with old order, you’re going to have chaos
- What do you need to reorder to get new blessings?
- It’s hard to follow someone who doesn’t have focus
- Everything you say can be true but if there’s no focus they won’t know what you’re talking about
- Some people talk with no focus
- You have to have a plan for money
- You will lose things you had because you don’t have focus
- Everything good that comes along is not for you to do
- Sometimes you have to let good things go because there’s no focus
- Discipline to say “no” because it has nothing to do with what you want to do
- No focus VS Wrong focus
- Wrong focus = You should be committed to this, but you’re worried about that. Fighting the wrong battle, putting right efforts in wrong places. You’re eating the fruits today of yesterday’s focus
- Are you spending your energy on someone else’s emotions?
- You date everybody, you flirt with everybody – and end up lonely and empty because your efforts are never focused
- You have to have a plan of where you want to go in your life
- You’re not any further at this age because you’re not focused
- The further I go back, the more I’m out of focus
- The more things change, the more I’m out of focus
- Anytime something moves you have to refocus
- What is your center? You can’t focus on your parameter, focus on your principles
- Once your priorities have your energies, you can handle your parameters
- I am not focused on what that other guy is doing
- The more out of focus I am, the more blurred I become
- For God where is about to take you, you have to put all your focus
- People go where they want to go
- Make it count
- You’re putting too much energy into things that are not profitable
- Distracted by someone else’s behavior
- You can’t spend the rest of your life out of focus
- Do you not know how strong you are when you’re focused? When you are out of focus you are weak
- You have to choose what you let hurt you
- You have too many things on your mind
- When you have too many things pulling at you, you’re not strong
- The greatest resistance comes when you’re near the greatest opportunity – In order to get the greatest opportunity, you need to fight the greatest resistance
- You take the amount of capacity that you can be focused on
- Don’t let your ego drive you out of focus
- Ego won’t let you let things and people go – That person’s love costs too much
- The fire comes where ever the focus is
- You may be praying for things you don’t need
- The problem isn’t how much I’m giving you, it’s how you’re handling what I give you
- If you’re faithful over few things, I’ll make you ruler of many
- You are praying for more when you can’t even manage less
- You need to show God you’re an investment and good stewart over what God has given you
- Can God trust you?
- No matter how much or how little you bless me with, I’ll put you first
- All you have to do is focus
- Sometimes you think you’re scaling down but God saves the best for last
- People love you in your season of miracles, but will they when you’re not?
- The true test of commitment is going through the different stages – Every stage requires a little bit more
- Are we majoring in the minor?
- You’re mad God took away someone He was going to take away anyway?
- The real test is even when I don’t get what I want, and it didn’t happen when I wanted it to happen… You gotta prove your commitment of loving me when you don’t like me
- In order to have a moment with God, you have to pay the price
- You’ve had your moments, where is your mission?
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God Bless,
Jen DeLeon