Toure Roberts
- You’re looking off to the future and not paying attention to the moment
- You’re looking just for the highlights – Every minute is a highlight
- You are looking 4 months right now, but the moment now is ripe for harvest
- We are always excited about where we think we are going, that we never take the moment to look at the steps that it will take to get there
- You are focused on your primetime and fail to realize the significance of the meantime
- If God gave us more meantime than anything else, are we wrong to focus on the prime time in the expense of what He’s doing in the meantime?
- What if your vision is a stumbling block where you’re missing opportunities every single day because you’re tripping over the blessing in the moment trying to get to what’s expected
- We walk over little things that look like little things, but the little things are really big things
- Your primetime is a reflection of everything you do consistently in the meantime
- What if we are so busy looking at it that we put ourselves in a position to never get it?
- Value the meantime
- What if life is not about the highlight and primetime moment? What if the primetime moment is automatic if you learn to properly manage your meantime?
- Instagram is a highlight – and maybe that’s making us just focus on the highlights
- What if what we are after is going to show up anyway, and we could have spent our time focused on what’s important?
- Your life is consumed with what will be and mismanaging what could be (what’s in front of you) – it makes you change your values
- We are always rushing (rushing to get to a light or beat the car just to hit the light) – What are you missing?
- You’re going to get there anyway
- What are we missing by not being meantime appreciators?
- What relationships are slacking because you’re so focused on the thing that’s out there that is going to come anyway. You do it all for them but don’t see them.
- It’s already ready
- Depression is the result of an expectation unmet in a moment, that has you so discouraged that you fail to see the blessing that’s in the moment
- Highlights don’t last forever
- Who did you kill on the way there? Who did you forget about because all you care about are the people who can help you?
- What gets neglected when you’re not looking at where your feet are?
- The area we need to grow in, we haven’t grown enough to even know you need to grow in that area
- You tell God you’re ready… You want to know when you know you’re not ready? When it doesn’t come
- Don’t let that discourage you, it just means you need to grow
- When you’re at the grow phase, it’s because God is protecting you from you
- It’s not about your talent, it’s about your altitude – your talent at this level, is different than that same talent on another level
- There’s a reason you’re not doing it
- He allows you to grow so you don’t make a fool of yourself
- Practice: It gives you a place to make a mistake without the whole world knowing about it
- All the kinks are being worked out
- Don’t be mad you don’t have the stage to do it, it’s about you being excellent and practicing at the level you’re on – once you master it you will be promoted
- Prepare: It’s going to take you more than being creative to be successful
- There is more than enough content and talent flooding the world we live in – You have to be smart
- Learn the environment that your talent is to be placed into
- Learn the things you wouldn’t normally go after to learn so when your time comes it won’t be a shock
- You gotta get tough for greatness
- Maybe you are more anointed than them, but maybe they were tougher than you
- When we have a primetime focus, we don’t value people properly – If you’re only focused on primetime, you’re only focused on people that can get you to that moment
- You need ordinary people in your life to keep you from losing yourself
- Not every day one person can be at day 1000 because they don’t help you evolve, BUT you cannot throw a person away just because they aren’t on your level in some areas
- You need people in your life that don’t think you’re all that
- People who don’t want anything from you, you need that because they can talk to you in a different way
- Relationships literally give you access to primetime
- Don’t get to primetime and have people around you that are using you like how you were using them
- Don’t abuse relationships on your way to whatever
- There’s something in your meantime, that if you don’t see it, you’ll miss
- Primetime will come to you if you work with God in the meantime
- What have you been walking by every single day?
- Social media makes you feel like everyone is living in their primetime except you – That’s the biggest lie ever
- You thought it was 4 months, 4 years away, 4 interviews away, 4 meetings away – it’s right here and it’s within your reach
God Bless,
Jen DeLeon