120320085442-precheck-airport-security-business-traveller-story-topWell, I’m back in L.A., and it’s bittersweet. Feel like I was living in a whole new world while I was on vacation and I miss it, but it feels great to be back because there’s a lot to be done in 2014!

Today, I almost missed my flight because I’m always trying to pack 1,000 things into a small luggage, and underestimated Chicago traffic. Security lines in the morning are a riot, and I was in panic because I was just getting to the line as the plane was already boarding smh – but there was no way I was missing this flight. So, I found a way to cut the line.

The lines were split among two, and my indecisive ass couldn’t decide which one I thought would be faster. Of course, I chose the slower one. Again, panicking. It wasn’t until I noticed an Asian texting on her phone across from me. You could tell she was shy and kept to herself, so I slowly made my way over and stood next to her to make it seem like we were related and traveling together just to get ahead.

She gave me the dirtiest look – but like I said, I could tell she was shy and knew she wasn’t about to say anything to me so I kept it moving. No one else noticed because of how smooth I was with it, and also probably because one of the Asian stereotypes is that we all look the same.

Fast forward, I made it on time for my flight and didn’t have to wait in that horrendous line. In fact, I even had enough time to get myself a hashbrown at McDonald’s. Yummy.

Anyway – although we usually only hear “all Asians look the same” and never “all White people look the same” – This strategy could potentially work with  all ethnicities. So – find a quiet person of the same race that’s not going to talk shit to you, and slide in.

If this post made you smile or laugh, do me a favor and share the link. I’m still working towards that top spot!

[SEE ALSO: Life Lessons I Learned on an Airplane]