Here is a challenge to encourage you to appreciate the little, yet positive things in your life.

Every night before you go to bed, write down three good things that happened during your day. Then write how it has, or will bring happiness to your life.

We tend to think that the ‘big’ things are the only things that can makes us happy, and dismiss the little things that in fact, can give us the same feeling of happiness.

Here was my things last week:



1. I had a birthday dinner for my two cousins – Andrew and Steven.
Happy Outcome: I have been blessed with such an amazing family.

2. I had lunch with James.
Happy Outcome: I have money to be able to eat my favorite food every week (Portillo’s) and because I got to eat with my best friend before he left for LA again.

3. I got to sleep in my bed at home.
Happy Outcome: I have a home/family to go to if I ever need to get away from the city. And not to mention, it’s the comfiest best in the world, so I got a great night of sleep.


1. I started planning a big project.
Happy Outcome: It reminded me that anything is possible and that hard work always pays off. (You will be seeing this project later in the summer).

2. I spent Valentine’s Day with my family.
Happy Outcome: Even though we don’t get to hang out as much as we used to when we were younger, we still manage to have such a strong bond.

3. Grocery Shopped.
Happy Outcome: I will have a refrigerator full of food for a very long week.


1. Stacey King gave me very good advice.
Happy Outcome: The conversation we had was very motivational, and made me excited for the future.

2. I gave a homeless man a kit-kat.
Happy Outcome: He was happy.

3. The Bulls won.
Happy Outcome: Our record is sick.


1. I paid my Macy’s Bill.
Happy Outcome: My bills are slowly going down.

2. I learned something very valuable with my life.
Happy Outcome: I have not one ounce of sadness or disappointment in my body.

3. I didn’t have to buy a book because the library had it.
Happy Outcome: I saved money.


1. I had lunch with my friend Luce.
Happy Outcome: I haven’t seen him since fall of 2010.

2. I got an A on my first Literature quiz.
Happy Outcome: The class won’t be as hard as I thought it would be.

3. I came up with another idea.
Happy Outcome: This brings me a step closer to my goals.


1. I got to spend the night with my two best girl friends – Kat and Lauren.
Happy Outcome: We realized we’ve been best friends since 2006. We also haven’t spent time with just us three since summer of 2010 because our schedules never match.

2. I talked to my parents and brother.
Happy Outcome: Not every person is able to pick up the phone to call/text their family when they want to because they live in different countries. I live so close to home.

3. I didn’t eat out.
Happy Outcome: I have ate out everyday in February with the exception of four days. That’s disgusting.


1. I am going to the suburbs to see my cousin and brother in a show at their high school.
Happy Outcome: I know it is going to be a good show – and I get to go with my family. I also haven’t been to my high school in so long, excited to see my past teachers.

2. I paid off my Macy’s and Express Bill.
Happy Outcome: I have less credit cards to worry about.

3. I wrote a blog (this one).
Happy Outcome: I get to help someone be more positive.

What made you happy today?