Sarah Jakes Roberts
- You can’t do what you can’t do
- You don’t know until you know – There are some things you won’t realize until you get into that situation
- Sometimes we beat ourselves up for not knowing something we couldn’t have known until we got into that situation
- Sometimes I find myself saying “I wish I could back with what I know now” but the truth is if you went back you wouldn’t know what you know now
- Sometimes we try to create an old rhythm in a new season
- Their thoughts haven’t changed even though their situation has changed
- It doesn’t matter if you have $5 or $5 million, if your mind hasn’t changed you will spend $5 million how you spend $5 because you never changed your mind
- When you’re coming into a new season the most important thing you can do is change your mind
- You cannot trust that the way I think now is going to work for who I am becoming
- God’s going to test you by throwing you into situations to see if you really changed your mind
- We’ve been looking at this one thing you have (that 1 job, 1 opportunity, 1 friend, etc) with the wrong mindset because that 1 thing you have is enough for God to bless it. You think it’s not enough, but God only needs 1
- God allowed you to see it so it could change the way you think
- Break that thinking that makes you think you live in lack
- If you don’t start thinking how God is thinking then you won’t finish what He started
- You never lose when you slow down because God will accelerate and promote who He trusts
- God can’t put you in position until He can trust that you’ll think like Him
God Bless,
Jen DeLeon