Punctuation Marks Go INSIDE Quotation Marks

I’m sure I am not the only one, or maybe I am – but I cannot stand when I see grammar mistakes on Facebook or Twitter. It’s honestly a pet peeve and everytime I see it I just want to comment the correct way of writing it. I could go on and on about...

Summer Break?

I feel like everyone’s Facebook statuses or tweets were about how they couldn’t believe summer was ending, or that school was starting. Well, before I went to bed last night I got to thinking – I had less than a two-week summer… which led to me...

DJ White Shadow Interview

This Lolla weekend we got to hook up with DJ White Shadow (Lady Gaga’s DJ/Producer) who proved to be at the top of my list for interviews for several reasons: the location and the content. The interview took place outside of The Hard Rock Hotel, during the “Miami...

Lollapalooza 2011 Recap

I did a video blog, and added the Gowhere Hip Hop recap onto to this post. Watch the videos and see what went down at Lollapalooza 2011. Interviews will be up on my site soon – but in the mean time, check them out on Gowhere Hip Hop!